Odom News

Investing in a new Legacy

“Well-designed high-rises are like fine wines that improve and become more desirable and valuable over time.”

Ask any non-architect to name their favorite home built in the past 50 years, and most would struggle to think of an answer. Ask them to name a skyscraper, and several might come to mind – the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, or modern icons like the Petronas Twin Towers or the CCTV Headquarters in Beijing. In addition to their distinctive looks, one common factor is that they are all commercial properties.

‍Through a combination of design, location, and the nature of buildings that host a wide range of people in the companies that occupy them, they are remembered well beyond their build date. Well-designed high-rises are like fine wines that improve and become more desirable and valuable over time.

‍Tell a New Yorker your office is in the Empire State Building, a structure built over 90 years ago in 1931. Almost a century later, it still holds high occupancy rates and is seen as the most iconic structure in the city after the Statue of Liberty. Tell them your office is there and they’ll ask to visit. Your status as an elite firm is immediately obvious.

‍This is the difference between a building and an icon.

Phnom Penh’s skyline is growing, but only a few buildings will stand apart as icons in the city in the coming decades. Odom will join this list in the coming years. With its unique massing that twists so slightly and the sky villages, which peek out from the corners of the blocks, the silhouette will stand out in the future skyline. Like the Empire State building, its location is truly second to none, less than 800 meters from the Independent Monument, the symbolic heart of the city.

The central Norodom neighborhood is essentially recession-proof. While some city areas may go in and out of fashion through the decades, others hold their value because of the quality of the building stock that defines them. The stretch between Mao Tse Tung and Wat Phnom is sure to be seen by every visitor to the city, young people going out for a Saturday night or the thousands who live and work at the embassies, offices, and hotels surround this main boulevard. With Odom to the south and Vattanac to the North, the two most identifiable buildings in Phnom Penh will be separated by only a couple of kilometers along the same street, ensuring high demand and good returns for decades to come.

‍Do you want to be part of this legacy?

Odom offers strata-title office space currently starting from $3,000 a square meter. Whether you’re looking to invest in a company asset for your own business (rather than paying rent), or want to diversify so you can rent out to the next big company, Odom offers a solid investment. With spaces starting from 63 SQM or ranging to multiple floors, you could be the owner of the most desired office space in the city. Your future tenants might include international businesses making their first entry into the company or an inspiring homegrown success story. Whichever it might be, Odom will be the first choice of the next generation of entrepreneurs and businesses looking to leave their mark on Phnom Penh.

‍‍Invest in an icon.


I wanted my office to be as original as I am.

Find Your Ideal Office Size

How many staff do you have?

Layout Type

Sample Small Offices

Sample Small Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Full Floor

Sample Full Floor

We recommend a small office size of 60 to 90 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a medium office size of 91 to 148 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a large office size of 141 to 250 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a full floor of 887 to 1,515 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.